Friday, October 8, 2010

Log - 2010/10/04 - 2010/10/08

Due to the amount of work I had to do for school, I didn't have much time to get workouts in this week, and the only time I spent at the gym was for my classes.  Even this didn't really work out as planned though.


Racquetball class.  Showed up early and ended up playing for about 1hr15min


Weightlifting class.  We had a lecture, which took up the entire time, then  had to get to my other classes.


Racquetball again.  Played for about 45 minutes.


Weightlifting.  Once more we didn't have time to do any actual lifting.  We had a lecture, followed by a test.


No phys. ed. classes, no time to get a workout in.

Since this isn't a game weekend, maybe I can get something done this weekend.

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