Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Log - 2010/12/06

Exam Week

This week is the week of exams at school, so my schedule is really crazy, and on top of that, I have to fit in time for last minute studying.

Even so, I've felt motivated over the weekend to start actually doing something instead of going into the gym and prety much just going through the motions like I have been.  So, even though this is finals week, I decided to go ahead and start a program.

If you read any of the old posts on this blog, this program will sound familiar, as it's the Blending Size and Strength program from Testosterone Nation, developed by Dr. Clay Hyght.  When I've done this program in the past I've noticed gains very quickly, as well as feeling like I had my butt kicked in the gym.

So, without further ado, today's workout:

Week 1/12, Day 1/4
Monday: Heavy Upper Body

Barbell bench press
    Warmup with 2x5 with 155 lbs
    6x3 (6 sets of 3 reps) with 175lbs
T-bar row
    6x3 with 125lbs
Standing barbell shoulder press
    5x5 with 95lbs
    5x5, I was unable to complete all the reps in this, I ended up doing:
         3x5 with Bodyweight-25lbs (~205lbs)

The program also calls for these exercises:
Skullcrusher 3x5
Barbell curl 3x5

I was unable to continue after the pull-ups, and had to leave.  I felt like I was going to throw up after all that, and could barely move.

My shoulder was aching pretty bad for the rest of the day, not a pain like a normally have, but a sore type of pain, and I was sore all over by the end of the day.

Next week's goal is to try the workout again with the same weights and try to complete it.

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