Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Getting Back Into a Rhythym

A common theme around my training blog seems to be departing from blogging and taking the time off of my training as well. This trend continued the last time I stopped blogging when Torture Training was hosted elsewhere.

Since the last time I blogged many things have changed, I've gained a lot of weight, lost a lot of muscle mass, and ended up a lot more busy with a lot less free time. Compound that with not working at the gym anymore, and well, I just haven't had an excuse to blog about my training, since it was nonexistent.

I'm working to change this though! This semester/year one of my new years resolutions was to get my health back under control. Last semester my health and everything else seemed to deteriorate at the same time. I have a workout partner this time around, so he's keeping me motivated, and I just got fed up with getting out of breath climbing the stairs to my room.

We're only on our second week of working out so far, but I feel we're off to a good start. I haven't kept track of weight or sets/reps the past three workouts, but here's a general rundown of where we stand: